Travel Insurance

Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to impact many travellers around the world. Before you buy, read the travel advice and check for restrictions at your destination(s) as these may impact cover, or your ability to travel. See our travel insurance alerts for more information.

At Abercrombie & Kent we believe it is better to be safe than sorry.

Most holidays result in wonderful memories. But, on occasion, unexpected events or accidents can leave you with cancelled plans and significant unbudgeted expenses. Travel insurance can help you cover yourself, your belongings and your travel investment against unwelcome surprises.

We are a distributor off nib Travel Insurance and are happy to assist with any enquiries you might have.

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nib travel insurance – for today's travellers.

nib understands the importance of helping people access insurance products and services suitable for every travel adventure; from planning and experiencing, to returning home safely.

You can choose the plan that you think best suits the kind of holiday you’re taking and the level of cover you need - from basic cover through to comprehensive, multi-trip, domestic and international plans.

nib can provide cover for many things that could go wrong when you travel, including:

  • Having your trip or flights cancelled
  • Accidental lost luggage or having it stolen
  • Suffering a medical or dental emergency overseas
  • Getting sick or injured overseas, even when playing amateur sports, and more

nib travel insurance also includes automatic cover for a range of existing medical conditions and the ability to apply to cover some other conditions for an additional premium (which may be significant) and increased excess.

Easy online medical screenings

If you have an existing medical condition that is not automatically covered by your plan, you may be able to apply to have it covered for an additional premium (which may be significant) and increased excess.

You’ll be asked to complete a medical screening which can be done quickly and easily online, in-store with your partner or over the phone with a member of our helpful nib customer service team.

24/7 Emergency medical support

Our 24/7 Emergency Assistance team provides emergency assistance for our customers worldwide. Our experienced specialists can be contacted by telephone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you in the event of an emergency and to liaise on your behalf with our in-house medical team.

Phone: 1300 555 019 (within Australia)
Phone: +61 3 8523 2800 (outside of Australia)
Email: [email protected]

Simple, fast online claims

If you ever need to make a claim, you can do it online anywhere, anytime. And we'll work to assess it as quickly as possible.

Phone: 1300 353 176 (within Australia)
Phone: +61 2 7202 0508 (outside of Australia)
Email: [email protected]


Travel Alert/Important Information

Our policies provide cover for some coronavirus related events. Cover is not available for loss arising from: government intervention including travel bans, border closures or broadly imposed quarantine requirements; events for which the Government has issued a 'Do Not Travel' warning for your destination, or failure to follow advice from official bodies. See the PDS for details. Your ability to travel may be affected by travel restrictions. Check the latest government advice and our travel insurance alerts.

Coronavirus has changed travel for everyone and even though you might be ready to hit the road (or sky), when it comes to travel insurance, it’s more important than ever to know exactly what you are and aren’t covered for before you go.

Is any coronavirus cover available on travel insurance plans and what are the benefits?

Cover for some coronavirus related events is available on all nib’s travel insurance plans (excl. Cancellation and Additional Expenses Plan), but the types of benefits and benefit limits vary.

As much as we’d love to cover every coronavirus-related scenario that a traveller can think of, that’s not what travel insurance is designed to do, so read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for Australian residents carefully for the full terms, conditions, limits and exclusions so that you know what is, and isn’t, covered.

Overseas Medical Benefit: If you contract coronavirus while on your trip, all of nib’s International travel insurance plans can offer cover for overseas medical expenses.

Medical evacuation and repatriation: All nib travel insurance plans include cover for medical evacuation and repatriation if we decide it’s medically necessary, up to the relevant benefit limit. There is no cover for medical, hospital or ambulance expenses in Australia.

Coronavirus Travel Costs: nib’s Coronavirus Travel Costs benefit is available on the Comprehensive Travel Plan, Australian Travel plan and Annual Multi Trip Plan and can provide cover for several coronavirus related events. It includes cover for quarantine expenses and trip cancellation if you are diagnosed with coronavirus.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I get Coronavirus (COVID-19) before my trip?

  • Isolate! And seek appropriate medical attention.
  • Don’t delay the cancellation of your plans. If you know you need to cancel, contact your providers as soon as possible to maximise the opportunity of refunds from your providers.
  • Depending on the plan you have chosen, you may be able to make a claim for non-refundable travel costs under the Coronavirus Travel Costs section of the plan up to the benefit limit.

What do I do if I get Coronavirus (COVID-19) on my trip?

  • Contact nib’s Emergency Assistance team. Utilising a global network of medical providers, the team can connect you with local medical facilities. They can also assist by getting in contact with friends and family where needed.
  • Always keep receipts for any payments you make and wherever possible, request written reports from providers or local authorities.
  • Follow travel and health advice – different countries have different rules. What’s ok in Australia may not be ok in the countries you visit.
  • Our International plans include emergency overseas medical cover if you contract coronavirus while travelling.

If I need medical treatment overseas, will you only pay up to $2,500?

Rest assured that if you incur medical expenses overseas for an event covered under the policy, including if you contract Coronavirus (COVID-19) and it’s not related to an ‘existing medical condition’ (as defined in the PDS), then coverage is offered up to the Medical benefit limit. Just make sure you contact nib’s Emergency Assistance team so they can help.

The Coronavirus Travel Costs benefit (for other non-medical coronavirus related events, where included on the plan you have selected) has a limit of $2,500 limit for a single policy (and $5,000 for a family policy); this is separate to the benefit limit available for medical expenses incurred overseas.

Need to make a claim?

Sorry to hear your trip didn’t go as planned. At least making a claim is a simple process. Get started here.

Abercrombie & Kent ABN 55 005 422 999 is a distributor of nib Travel Services (Australia) Pty Ltd (nib), ABN 81 115 932 173, AFSL 308461 and receives a commission for nib products purchased through Abercrombie & Kent. Abercrombie & Kent acts as an agent for nib and not as your agent. Abercrombie & Kent cannot give advice about nib products, and any factual information provided is not intended to imply a recommendation or opinion about nib products. Before you buy, please read the Product Disclosure Statement, Financial Services Guide and Target Market Determination (TMD) available from us. If you have a complaint about a nib product, see the Product Disclosure Statement for the complaints process. This insurance is underwritten by Pacific International Insurance Pty Ltd, ABN 83 169 311 193.

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