A&K Exclusive: Behind the scenes at Worawa Aboriginal College

Worawa Aboriginal College is the only boarding school in Australia that caters exclusively for Aboriginal girls.
November 2020

Here at A&K, we pride ourselves on our legacy of supporting communities in the places we travel and we are excited to introduce you to A&K’s newest partnership closer to home.

Worawa Aboriginal College in Victoria’s Yarra Valley, is the only boarding school in Australia that caters exclusively for Aboriginal girls. The vision of Worawa is ‘sending young Aboriginal women out into the world with confidence in who they are, where they want to be and what they can contribute to their communities and the wider world.’

In a place of great natural beauty, Worawa is situated on land of historical and cultural significance which once formed part of the Coranderrk Aboriginal Reserve – in the Aboriginal belief system, that story is in the land. Visitors who have the privileged opportunity, can hear the story and feel the spirituality of the land – an experience available exclusively to A&K guests visiting Victoria.

On arrival, a Welcome to Country immediately immerses guests in a spiritual cleansing and honouring of the ancestors before an interpretive walk through the Dreaming Trail where visitors learn about Aboriginal relationship to land and traditional uses of plants for food, medicine and craft. Memorial poles honour Victoria’s thirty-eight tribes and those who have walked the land.

A memorial to the children of Coranderrk has a place of prominence on an island in the billabong with a soundscape that explores life on an Aboriginal Reserve. The nearby History Walk charts the history of the Aboriginal struggle and highlights the achievements of 21 Aboriginal leaders and change-makers. From activists to academics, artists, performers, sportspeople and more, these individuals are recognised as making a significant contribution to Aboriginal community development. The experience culminates in a visit to the on-site Aboriginal Resource Centre for light refreshments and the opportunity to meet with an Aboriginal elder or to learn more about the history of Worawa Aboriginal College.

You may also be fortunate to catch a glimpse of the Worawa students.


Speak to an A&K Journey Designer about taking part in this unique experience.

See A&K’s ‘Extraordinary Impact Speakers Series’ presentation from the inspirational Dr Lois Peeler AM, Principal of Worawa Aboriginal College, as she shares her story and the evolving journey of Worawa, its mission and the positive impact on the lives of young Aboriginal women.

An indigenous trailblazer, Dr Peeler was the first Aboriginal model, a member of The Sapphires band who toured war-torn Vietnam and a recipient of many accolades for her services to Australian tourism and indigenous affairs.

Learn more by reading her full biography here.

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