Uganda: Gorillas & Beyond – A Luxury Small Group Journey (2025)

Explore the “Pearl of Africa” from the banks of the Nile to the deepest reaches of the rainforest, blazing a trail through the mists of Uganda’s waterfalls and evergreen rainforests, and tracking chimpanzees, tree-climbing lions and endangered mountain gorillas along the way.

Journey Overview

Explore the “Pearl of Africa” from the banks of the Nile to the deepest reaches of the rainforest, blazing a trail through the mists of Uganda’s waterfalls and evergreen rainforests, and tracking chimpanzees, tree-climbing lions and endangered mountain gorillas along the way.

Journey Highlights

  • Encounter mountain gorillas under the biodiverse canopy of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, ranging through mist-covered hillsides to observe these greatest of apes in their natural surroundings, sensing the deep connection between their species and our own
  • Cruise up the Nile River to the misty base of Murchison Falls, spotting wildlife such as water birds, including rare shoebill storks, wallowing hippos, elephants that come down to the river bank to drink and fearsome Nile crocodiles basking in the sun
  • Trek the lush, tropical trails of Kibale National Park in search of chimpanzees, sociable primates that forage for food and utter vocalisations that reverberate through the forest
  • Set out on two full days of game drives in the wilds of Queen Elizabeth National Park, keeping watch for examples of tree-climbing lions as well as elephants, Cape buffalo and Ugandan kob — a type of antelope symbolic of Uganda