Taiwan: Natural & Cultural Riches – A Luxury Small Group Journey (2025)

Discover the rugged natural beauty and rich cultural history of the island nation of Taiwan, as you venture from the Qing Dynasty-era temples of Taipei to the lush forests, narrow gorges and alpine peaks of Taroko National Park.

Journey Overview

Discover the rugged natural beauty and rich cultural history of the island nation of Taiwan, as you venture from the Qing Dynasty-era temples of Taipei to the lush forests, narrow gorges and alpine peaks of Taroko National Park, learn the intricacies of harvesting tea and meet an expert who explains Taiwan’s pivotal place in world politics.

Journey Highlights

  • Delve into Taiwan’s fascinating history, exploring the National Palace Museum and learning about the island’s political situation from an expert
  • Venture between the sheer marble walls of Taroko Gorge to behold landscapes worthy of a Chinese scroll painting
  • Traverse the scenic Cross Island Highway, which ascends from sea level through tropical rainforest to alpine heights
  • Sample Taiwan’s unique culinary culture with a scallion cake making class and a visit to a night market
  • Learn about the heritage of Taiwan’s Chinese and Aboriginal populations