Mexico: Colonial Cities

Revealing a patchwork of stories at every turn, Mexico’s fabled colonial cities will leave you spellbound.

Journey Overview

Revealing a patchwork of stories at every turn, Mexico’s fabled colonial cities will leave you spellbound. Explore your creative side in San Miguel de Allende. Marvel at grand monumental colonial architecture in the vibrant university town Guanajuato. Discover the secrets to tequila. Peel back layers and experience a fiesta of sights, tastes, architecture and traditions.

Journey Highlights

  • Explore rich colonial heritage in UNESCO World Heritage listed towns
  • Savour the country’s world-famous cuisine in kitchens and local eateries
  • Discover why Guanajuato was once the wealthiest city in Mexico
  • Sample beverage, tequila, and award-winning wines in private tastings