Borneo: Land of the Orangutan – A Luxury Small Group Journey (2025)

Discover Malaysia on a comprehensive journey from its bustling capital, Kuala Lumpur, to the rainforests of Borneo.

Journey Overview

Discover Malaysia on a comprehensive journey from its bustling capital, Kuala Lumpur, to the rainforests of Borneo. Explore the jungle in style, staying in lodges that are at the forefront of sustainability, and discover wildlife, from endemic amphibians and insects to the iconic orangutan, with expert local guides.

Journey Highlights

  • Visit the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre for a possible first glimpse of the “man of the forest,” and learn how this critically endangered species is being protected
  • Discover the Bornean sun bear at a conservation centre dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating the world’s smallest species of bear
  • Watch for Borneo’s Big Five — orangutans, proboscis monkeys, pygmy elephants, rhinoceros hornbills and saltwater crocodiles — all on a single journey
  • Embark on river cruises on the Kinabatangan River, guided by expert boatmen, spotting wildlife along the way, from the riverbanks to the tree tops
  • Immerse yourself in a primary forest millions of years in the making at Borneo Rainforest Lodge
  • Learn about Borneo’s indigenous cultures at Mari Mari Cultural Village